Rolls of anchovies and ricotta
If you think that anchovies and ricotta are two contrasting tastes, get ready to be surprised by the harmony of the flavours of this recipe of Filippino in Lipari.
Ingredients (4 servings)
12 anchovies
150 g fresh ricotta
30 g Parmesan cheese
1 onion
1 carrot
1 bunch of celery
1 yolk
10 basil mixed leaves
a few mint leaves
olive oil
pepper and salt
Empty anchovies and open them in two, cut heads and fish bones, wash them and let them drain in a cloth. Put in a terrine the ricotta, the Parmesan cheese, the egg yolk, a dash of salt and a pinch of pepper. Mix all the ingredients until obtain a homogeneous mixture which you will put inside each anchovy with a teaspoon. Model small rolls and put them in a greased oven dish with a tablespoon of oil.
Clean the vegetables and put them in the mixer. Let them dry in a pan with two tablespoons of oil and a spoon of water, add the basil and the mint, add salt and pepper if necessary and cook for a few minutes until obtain a rather dense sauce to cover the rolls before putting them in the preheated oven in 200° C for 7-8 minutes. Serve them.
Serve your rolls still tepid.
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